The Security Threat of Using Fingerprints for Banking
The Security Threat of Using Fingerprints for Banking A number of major banks are allowing users to log in to their bank accounts with only fingerprints. It was occurring to…
The Security Threat of Using Fingerprints for Banking A number of major banks are allowing users to log in to their bank accounts with only fingerprints. It was occurring to…
Is Your Bank's Two-Factor Authentication Vulnerable to Hacking?When attempting to log in to your bank account, you receive an SMS code on your phone which you then enter on the…
Does Prompting for Security Questions Add Security on Banking Websites?When you sign into Bank of America on a computer you haven't used with them before, the site prompts you to…
Understanding Encryption and Hashing in Online Banking Systems Is it alright to tell everyone your encryption information? It's not just alright, it's actually a design feature of modern ciphers. The…