The Security Flaws of Biometric Verification

Biometric verification has been touted as a secure way to identify individuals, but it has its flaws. While the idea behind using unique identifying properties of a person is solid, there are limitations to the effectiveness of biometrics.

One of the main issues with biometric verification is that it can be imitated well enough to fool the scanners with enough time and resources. For example, facial recognition software can be beaten with a simple picture, and fingerprint scanners can be fooled with silly putty.

Even with advancements in technology such as Microsoft’s Hello and fingerprint scanners on phones, there is still a risk of imitating biometrics. Theoretically, most biometrics can be recreated well enough to trick the scanners.

There have been suggestions for improving the security of biometric verification, such as using video capture with depth perception to prove that the biometric is a living thing in 3D space. However, even this method can be fooled if the person wears a realistic mask.

In conclusion, while biometric verification has its merits, it is not a foolproof method of identification. Additional security measures, such as passwords or passphrases, are necessary to ensure the overall security of a system. Biometrics can be a helpful factor in authentication, but they should not be relied upon as the sole identifier.

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